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Notify Location Share+ contacts of sharing.


3 Kommentare

  • Neil

    Hi Matt - This is great feedback for sure. We're working on some updates which allow more flexibility and provide more clarity around how various messages in the ZOLEO app are routed. 

    For now, the assumption is if a user has an active app account, they would be using the ZOLEO app on their mobile device.

    ZOLEO tries to route messages to the ZOLEO app whenever possible because of increased messaging speed, reliability and cost savings as compared to having to route a message via SMS or Email. 

    For now, its always best practice to encourage any contacts you regularly message via ZOLEO to download and use the mobile app for the most seamless experience.

    Location Share + only works if your contacts have the mobile app (since it requires the map), and when you activate this feature and add contacts for location sharing, it prompts them to download and register the app. 

  • Matt Ion

    "For now, the assumption is if a user has an active app account, they would be using the ZOLEO app on their mobile device."

    Ah, therein lies the problem though: it also assumes the app is running.

    The app does not start with Android, for one thing. Any messaging app MUST start automatically with the system to be reliable as a messaging app, and this one doesn't, at least not on any of our phones (two Note 20s, my wife's previous Note 10, or my previous Huawei Mate 20).

    The app must also STAY running, and again... this one doesn't. Yes, I've been through all the steps to turn off power management for the app, etc. The reality is, it can stay running for days, and then mysteriously close. I can restart it, and it will close again a few hours later. 

    ZOLEO can route messages there all day long, but if the app has shut down, they'll never arrive, at least until the recipient launches the app.


  • Neil

    Matt Ion That's really useful info! I've passed this along to our development team to verify and investigate the behavior you've described further.




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