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Sharing location beyond the 5 designated contacts



  • Neil

    Hello @...,


    Great questions! 

    To view ZOLEO Location Share + updates (breadcrumb trail on a map), your checkin/location share contacts need to have the ZOLEO mobile app, as that is currently where the updates go to and are rendered.

    We are working on upcoming updates that will provide web-based functionality for your contacts to view location updates without the mobile app.

    In terms of email forwarding, we generally do not recommend email forwarding of any kind with your ZOLEO email address. This is because there are character limitations with satellite emails and it can often cause a forwarding/autoresponder loop which will quickly eat up your monthly messages and/or clog up your inbox (both regular email and ZOLEO email inbox).



  • Permanently deleted user

    OK, I understand the part about the autoresponder risks.  Reason enough to shy away from that!!

    Any speculation on timing of your next updates to the app and to the system??

  • Neil

    Hi Robert,

    We try to release 1-2 major app and firmware updates to the ZOLEO device per year, which often bundle numerous new features, updates, fixes into one release. 

    We also try to not provide estimates on when they are going to be released, its my experience that providing these publicly can often lead to false expectations or disappointments with out customers. The nature of product development means that timelines are often a moving target. 

    We want to make sure each release is as smooth as possible so we often change our own targets as we uncover various pre-release feedback or bugs and work to address them. 

    Hope this makes sense!

    I can say to expect at least one more release before the end of the year. 




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